Save Time, Effort, Stress and Money with The Easy, Farmer-Friendly, Ready-to-use Produce Safety Plan from Farm Safe USA!
Are you nervous about the FSMA rules and requirements and wondering how you are going to comply and keep track of them all? FSMA recommends each individual farm have a food safety plan. But as a busy farmer, you don’t have time to write your own. We have the solution. Our Produce Safety Plan is the tool you need to comply and keep track of the required food safety practices. What makes our Plan different? Here are seven reasons to choose our food safety plan.
1. Makes it easy to comply with the law.
With this Plan, we make it easy for the farmer to comply with the FSMA Produce Safety Rule with the procedures, requirements and records he needs in an easy to use, organizational tool. Do you need more information on the FSMA’s Produce Safety Rule? Find out more from the Produce Safety Alliance, HERE.
2. Keeps you organized.
Our Produce Food Safety Plan is THE Organizational Tool for Small Farmers! Having a written food safety plan will keep a farmer organized and on track. It will also help when training workers about your food safety policies.
3. Makes it easy & efficient to train your workers.
According to the FSMA, all workers must be trained in these practices. Do you have a simple format to train your workers? Our Produce Food Safety Plan has the information and requirements you need to train your workers in your food safety practices. And just as helpful, our plan comes with a convenient worker training checklist you won’t find anywhere else. This checklist makes it much easier and more efficient for your produce safety supervisor to use when training workers. It will ensure all your practices and procedures are covered.
4. Includes all the required & recommended records.

The plan includes both the FSMA required records and the records recommended by the FSMA. It will help you be better organized and ready when an inspector comes.
Having your records and policies all together in an organized tool will make your inspection go much smoother and be less costly. Inspections began in January, 2019. Being organized now is a great way to be ready for those inspections and continue to do your best to be produce safe!
5. Saves you tons of valuable time.

Your time is valuable. You could create your own food safety plan, but it can potentially cost hours and hours of your valuable time to research the law, search the internet for examples, write out your plan being careful to have all you need for an inspection and training your workers…etc.
With our Plan, most of the work is already done for you, without the stress and headache. You still have some work to do and it is ultimately your responsibility to comply with the FSMA rules. Our plan just makes it easier for you.
6. Comes in an easy to use format!

Our Plan was written by a farmer for farmers. It was specifically written with you in mind, in a simple, easy to use format. This is not an educational manual (although it can be used to train your workers in your food safety procedures). It is a Tool that can be used daily or weekly, year after year, to keep track of your food safety practices, all in an organized binder.
We’ve done the work for you.
- All you have to do is:
- fill in your farm information;
- read through the procedures,
- put them into practice and train your workers in the procedures;
- use the ‘fill-in-the-blank’ protocols;
- and make copies of and use the records.
What’s in the Plan?
- The Plan starts with the ‘How to Use the Book’ section, walking you through each part of the book step by step.
- Next it has a section for your farm’s information, a requirement for FSMA.
- It includes two checklists, one for your annual farm assessment and one for your worker training, making it easy to be sure nothing is missed.
- Next are the 7 sections of food safety covered in the Produce Safety Rule. Each section contains:
- simple, general procedures, written in a farmer’s language;
- required and suggested records that correspond to the procedures;
- and ‘fill-in-the-blank’ protocols to make your produce safety plan specific for your farm.
- Within each of the section procedures, we ask specific questions (easily found in bold lettering), that directs you to write your answer in the blank space on the corresponding protocol, making it YOUR produce safety plan. Very simple!
- Recording an activity is also very clear. We highlight in yellow every time an activity within the procedure must be recorded. Making it so easy to keep the right records at the right time.

7. Is a high quality, re-useable product!
- Our Plan is a ready-to-use physical book, not a download or pdf, so you don’t have to waste time printing and putting it together.
- We use a sturdy, 2 inch, 3-ring binder with room to add your completed records;
- It is printed on very thick, high quality paper to last even with the soil and grime of a farm;
- Utilizes sturdy plastic tabs to organize each section so you can quickly find the procedure or record you need;
- Contains extra sections for your own notes and resources.

8. BUY the Produce Safety Plan NOW.
The Organizational tool for Small Farmers!
For these and many other reasons, this plan is a wise purchase for your farm.
It is a vital tool for the growth and health of your business.
BUY NOW for only $445!
It will ship within two days. Shipping and handling is only $15!
Price includes the Produce Safety Plan manual; up to 1 hour free phone consultation; one year of free updates to the Plan; free subscription to updates and news on FSMA & tips on how to use the Produce Safety Plan.
Call or email to order or use our online ordering.
A comment on our pricing…
At first our price may seem ‘high’ for a book, but let’s consider some alternatives:
- A private consultant doing a custom farm food safety plan would run between $3000-$5000.
- Trying to do it yourself will take you an average of 30-50+ hours of your time or one of your employees time. Multiply that by an average hourly of $20/hour, it would cost you $600-$1000 to create, not to mention the headache and stress that will probably occur.
- So save yourself time, stress and money. Buy our plan now.
Please note:
The Farm Safe USA Produce Safety Plan is copyrighted and for the exclusive use of the single farm that purchases the plan from La Peche, LLC, DBA, Farm Safe USA. It may not be duplicated in part or in whole, for any other grower, individual or business and doing so is punishable by law.