What is included in the Farm Safe USA Produce Safety Plan?
The Produce Safety Plan is a food safety plan specifically designed for small farmers. We have been small farmers ourselves and know how much you have to do already running a farm and growing produce. So trying to create a food safety plan on top of your already large list of tasks can be difficult. That’s why we created the Produce Safety Plan. The rest of this article will explain and show you what is included in the Produce Safety Plan.
The plan includes the essential elements needed for a farmer to be compliant with the new regulations and be ready when an inspector comes to inspect the farm. It is printed on high-quality paper, bound in a 3-ring binder to make it easy to add more pages or remove a record or protocol master for copying for use on your farm. Each section is separated by strong plastic dividers to make finding your procedures, records and protocols fast and simple.
The Produce Safety Plan includes 11 Sections total:
- Section 1 explains how to use the book along with an acknowledgment page.
- Section 2 contains a fill-in-the-blank farm information page; a ready-made ‘Food Safety Policy’ (so you do not have to write your own); a helpful Annual Farm Inspection checklist that you can copy and use every year; and a ‘Worker Training Checklist’ so you don’t miss anything important when training your workers either annually or whenever you have a new worker join your team.
- Section 3 – 9 are the 7 Modules that follow the FSMA subheadings. Each module contains procedures, requirements (P & R’s) and required and recommended records as well as protocols that the farmer will fill out according to his specific farm. Each module uses questions such as ‘If this, then write, go, do that”, to guide the farmer in an easy to understand way so he can develop his own specific food safety plan.
- Section 10 are the resources including information on FSMA’s Produce Safety Rule, Ag water compliance dates, a hand washing poster, and more.
- Section 11 is for any notes or additional documentation the farm may have or need to include with your plan such as sanitizer specs, worker lists, receipts, etc.
Our Aim:
Our aim is to make it easy for the farmer so he can spend his time in the field instead of doing countless hours of research, reading and paperwork.
Although there is, of course, some work and responsibility on the part of the farmer to know and implement the plan; such as training his workers; carrying out the procedures written in the plan; knowing the requirements and keeping records; we have done all the research, writing and organizing required to create a food safety plan. So most of the hard work of a food safety plan is done for you.
The Plan is more than being compliant with the FSMA rules. It is an organizational tool that will grow with your business and keep you on track and produce safe for your family, your customers, your buyers, your competitors, and anyone who eats your produce.
Farm Safe USA
The Sample Pages…What is included in the Plan?
Following are sample pages from each of the sections and the 7 P&R modules. Each module in the Produce Safety Plan contains 3-7 pages of procedures and requirements (P&R); 1-4 pages for the protocol that the farmer will fill out; and 1-6 records, both required by law or recommended.

Section 1: How to Use The Book
Section 2: Farm Information & Checklists
Food Safety Policy Worker Training Checklist Annual Inspection Checklist Farm Information
Section 3: Worker Health and Hygiene – Procedures & Requirements, Protocol & Records
Section 4: Biological Soil Amendments – Procedures & Requirements, Protocol & Records
Section 5: Wildlife & Domestic Animals – Procedures & Requirements, Protocol & Records
Procedures & Requirements Protocol Records
Section 6: Production Water -Procedures & Requirements, Protocol & Records
A note on Agricultural Production Water section of the Produce Safety Rule:
Subpart E of the Produce Safety Rule, The Agricultural Water provision, has been put on hold until at least 2022 as the FDA reviews the requirements of the Subpart and make possible changes. While the review is ongoing, the regulations for the AG Water are on hold. However, it is still wise agricultural practices to continue to monitor your water; have it tested for quality so you have an idea what your baseline quality is; monitor your water system annually; and keep your system maintained. Safe produce is important regardless of regulations.
For more information on the Water requirements, check out our What About Ag Water page.
Section 7: Post Harvest Water – Procedures & Requirements, Protocol & Records
Section 8: Harvest/Post Harvest Handling & Sanitation – Procedures & Requirements, Protocol & Records
Section 9: Packing, Storage Area & Pest Management – Procedures & Requirements, Protocol & Records
Section 10: Resources

Are you ready to purchase the Produce Safety Plan? Click HERE!
Still have questions and would like to speak with us? Please call us directly and we will be glad to answer your questions and help you understand our Plan.
You can reach Kathleen at 530-906-5001 – or – Eric at 850-508-1636
We look forward to helping you make complying with FSMA easier and stress-free; and help save you time, effort and money with our Produce Safety Plan.

Copyright Protection:
The Farm Safe USA Produce Safety Plan is copyrighted and for the exclusive use of the single farm that purchases the plan from La Peche, LLC, DBA, Farm Safe USA. It may not be duplicated in part or in whole, for any other grower, individual or business and doing so is punishable by law.
Farm Safe USA Disclaimer of Liability
The information, records, and content of this plan and any attachments or amendments to this product, plan, either printed or electronic, is intended to assist the produce grower/farmer in developing and implementing their farm/food/grower safety plan in order to comply with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Standards for the Growing, Harvesting, Packing, and Holding of Produce for Human Consumption. (Produce Safety Rule); however, using this product or plan does not ensure compliance with the law or the FDA’s regulations. Each operation is different, and your obligations under FSMA could change based on the specifics of your operation. For advice regarding legal compliance with the FSMA Produce Safety Rule, please consult with an attorney or your legal counsel.
The Farm Safe USA Produce Safety Plan will vary in applicability to each farm, grower, packer or handler. We have included standard procedures, records and information for many different small growers, but each farm or grower is responsible for implementing the practices, procedures and records that will function best to produce safe fruits and vegetables based on the nature of their particular, individual operation. The Produce Safety Plan is intended to assist the grower, however, each grower/farmer must be responsible to fully comply with FSMA rules and regulations.
Farm Safe USA does not guarantee accuracy, adequacy, completeness or availability of any information provided in the Produce Safety Plan and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for any results obtained from the use of the product. Farm Safe USA gives no warranties (expressed or implied), including but not limited to any warranties of merchantability of fitness for a particular purpose or use. In no event shall Farm Safe USA or any persons or entities associated with the company, be liable for any indirect, special, or consequential damages in connection with any use of this ‘Produce Safety Plan’.